I stand here with joy and gratitude at the end of 2024, a glorious year in which I experienced the supernatural wind of the spirit, that took me further and faster than I could have ever gone in my own strength.
It was indeed my year of supernatural speed, where I experienced divine momentum and all I embarked on was divinely accelerated by the Spirit of God. I thought 2023 was quick and easy, but even though 2024 seemed to go by fast, the Lord granted me the strength not just to keep up but to overtake and recover all.
As I waited on the Lord in fasting and deliberately created opportunities to pray and seek His face, I saw the Lord answer all my prayers by fire, just as He did with Elijah in 1 Kings 18:38. The fire of the Lord fell from heaven and consumed all my fears, doubts, worries, anxieties and unbelief. It also consumed all that tried to stand in the way of my supernatural and unprecedented progress this year.
As I waited on the Lord, my strength was fully renewed like the Eagle. I emerged from the 40 days fully restored, with renewed vigor, life, new feathers and new wings, with which I took flight into the plan of God not just for the year, but for the rest of my life. I was also fully dressed in the whole armour of God through which I was able to withstand all the wiles of the enemy. I experienced phenomenal victories in double quick time in every single area of my life; including my family, my finances, my faith, my future, and all these together with my faith family. The church of God experienced the speed of grace, manifesting in the spiritual growth, numerical increase and financial strength to do all that God has called us to do together.
Just as Elijah’s transit time was divinely accelerated, according to 1 Kings 18:46, my expected time of arrival was accelerated in 2024. That which took years of effort before now, was accelerated by the winds of the Spirit of God. The things that seemed to require struggle previously, were made possible by the supernatural hand of God upon my affairs. That which was supposed to take me many more years of painful effort and toil, was compressed into this single year of my life, making it an amazing year all around.
All these because in 2024, I did not falter between two opinions, and I was all in for the kingdom. I refused to follow the Lord from a safe distance, therefore, the Lord ensured that my lines fell into pleasant places, and He watched over all my affairs. The goodness and mercy of God that accompanied me into 2024, followed me all the days of the year.
According to Isaiah 1:19, because I was willing and obedient this year, the Lord granted me both the desire, and the power to do of His good pleasure, and I ate the good of the land in abundance, good health, peace and a sound mind.
Whenever I was faced with difficulty in 2024, I listened and heard the voice of the Lord, from the scriptures, from the men and women He surrounded me with and from within myself, telling me where the brook was. There the raven came to feed me, and when the brook dried up, He clearly led me to my next place of provision and I was sustained throughout the drought.
Suddenly, I heard the sound of abundance of rain, and as I took the posture of prayer, the rain of heaven began to fall all around me in abundant measure. Standing here now, I clearly remember the point in the year 2024, when I said out loud with joy, “the drought is over!” as I stood soaked in the latter rain that was falling on every single thing that I laid my hands upon to do.
This year 2024, when men said there was a casting down, all I could say was that there is a lifting up. A thousand fell at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but it did not come near me or my household. Everything that it seemed I lost in 2023 just like Isaiah 61:3 says, God restored to me; nothing missing, nothing broken, as though I never lost anything. He gave me beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and I was referred to as a tree of righteousness, the very planting of the living God, and His name was clearly glorified through my life.
I look forward to the new year 2025 with great joy and excitement because I know that eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, and it has not entered into the hearts of any man, what God has prepared for me. In Jesus name, Amen