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Week Six Prayer Guide for 40 Days Fasting & Prayer


1.     Read Psalms 59:16-17, Psalm 150

Thank God for seeing you through this fasting period as we approach the finish line. Bless Him for carrying you all the way. Declare God’s wonderful works in your life. Celebrate His faithfulness towards you.


2.    Read Deuteronomy 28:1-12

Ask for the grace to remain obedient to the instructions of the Holy Spirit in your life. Declare that I receive the reward and blessings of obedience; the Lord establishes all that concerns me.


3.    Read Deuteronomy 28:13-14, Ezekiel 1:12

Ask for grace to be totally yielded to God and His plans for your life. Pray for grace not to waver or drift away after this fast is over. Declare that I listen, and I obey the words of God to me. I am the head, not the tail; I am above only, not beneath.


4.    Read Zechariah 4:6-9, Proverbs 4:18

Pray that you will be able to complete whatever it is the Lord has set before you to do this season. Pray that your strength will not wane, and your vision will not be abated. Declare that my path is like the dawning of a new day, it shines ever brighter unto a perfect day.


5.    Read Proverbs 3:1-2, Genesis 12:7-8

Pray for grace to maintain the disciplines you have started during this fast. Pray that the godly habits you developed in this season will become part of your lifestyle. Declare that I do not forget the dealings of the Lord with me throughout this season. I make memorials of these encounters for years to come.


6.    Read Psalm 63:5-8, Psalms 81:16

Pray that you will not miss out on all God still has in store for you this season, due to complacency. Pray that you will not lose any of the blessings from this season. Declare that the Lord satisfies me with the goodness of His presence. I lack nothing good because of the blessing of God upon my life.


7.     Read Isaiah 66:7-14, Jeremiah 1:11-12

Pray over the birth of any vision and idea planted by God in the hearts of His children this season, that the Lord will watch His word to perform it.

Pray for strength to incubate purposefully and bring forth. Declare that times and seasons are working together for my good. I accomplish in this year what would normally have taken 10 years to achieve.


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